About Us › Our Profile

Our Profile

About us

As a language school specializing in German, we offer courses and examinations of all kinds. Whether integration course or professional language course, face-to-face course or online course, individual or group lessons - we have the right offer for every level. Our aim is to enable motivated people from all over the world to successfully integrate and develop their careers in Germany through high-quality language courses and individual support.

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    Our constantly evolving teaching methods are based on the latest scientific findings and our extensive practical experience from almost two decades of teaching German.

    We attach great importance to interactive and practice-oriented learning approaches that meet the individual needs of our participants. Our teaching staff consists of qualified and experienced teachers who have completed special training in the teaching of German as a foreign language. They are passionate and committed to making learning as enjoyable and successful as possible for our participants.

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    In addition, our three locations are centrally located in Nuremberg with excellent public transport connections.

    Our classrooms are equipped with modern learning materials and technologies. For our online courses, we use user-friendly platforms that enable interactive and flexible learning.

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    Feel free to drop by and see for yourself what we have to offer.

    We look forward to accompanying you on your path to success.